This week we begin Unit 2: Rational Numbers. Students will learn what integers are and how to calculate absolute value. We will also spend time relating integers and absolute value to real-life scenarios. Students have also received their study guides for Unit 2. The answers have also been posted here to Weebly so students may check their understanding throughout the unit. Next week we will begin graphing on the coordinate plane.
On Monday I will return the Unit 1 Test, so look for it to come home. Along with the test, students will also have a test analysis to complete. The analysis is required and is due by Friday. Students may complete it at home or come in for Jag Academy on Tuesday and Thursday for assistance if needed. Students who did not pass the test, will be required to come to Jag Academy. Part of completing the analysis is making test corrections. I will award 1.5 points for each correction correctly answered with the proper work shown.
This week we begin Unit 2: Rational Numbers. Students will learn what integers are and how to calculate absolute value. We will also spend time relating integers and absolute value to real-life scenarios. Students have also received their study guides for Unit 2. The answers have also been posted here to Weebly so students may check their understanding throughout the unit. Next week we will begin graphing on the coordinate plane.
This week is testing week. The unit 1 study guide is due Wednesday. The study guide should be complete, all work shown, have correct answers, and proof of checking be evident. Thursday students will have their unit 1 spiral check. Students should use the rubric located in the front of their spiral and the spiral on Microsoft One Note to ensure their spiral is ready to be graded. The unit 1 test will be given on Thursday as well. Students should use their study guides, quizzes, and homework from the unit to help prepare for their test.
The Unit 1 Test has been postponed until the 19th. The study guide is now due on Wednesday, the 18th. The spiral check will also be on the 19th.
Today, Monday, the Operations with Decimals Quiz will be returned and gone over in class. Students who struggled with this assessment will be pulled for remediation during Jag Academy this week. Grades for the quiz have been posted to Infinite Campus for you to see.
This week students are converting fractions to decimals and learning to identify terminating and repeating decimals. We will also learn the algorithm for dividing fractions. After learning to divide fractions, we will wrap up and review and be ready to test over unit 1. I am thinking we will test over unit 1 next Tuesday, the 17th. This would make the unit 1 study guide due on Monday, the 16th. When turned in, the entire study guide should be complete along with the corresponding work. As of today, all portions of the study guide should be complete except sections D and E. If your child is behind on his or her study guide, please make sure they are catching up so it is complete by the 16th. Answers are posted, so please make sure your child has also checked their study guides prior to turning them in. On test day, students will also have their first spiral notebook check. The rubric can be found on the inside pocket. Your child also has access to the spiral by logging into Office 365 and One Note. Use the notebook on One Note to ensure your child's spiral is complete before turning it in. The unit 1 test will be on the 17th. It will cover all of unit 1. This week students will be participating in some practice activities so I can informally assess their understanding of decimal operations. As students are working in groups, I will be able to intervene and assist when needed. Students will be formally assessed by taking a quiz on Thursday. Thursday's quiz will cover operations with decimals as well as previous GCF and LCM material. Homework will be assigned on Tuesday and Wednesday to help students prepare for the quiz. By Thursday, students should have also completed Part A of the study and checked it with the answers posted here to Weebly.
Friday we will learn to distinguish between terminating and repeating decimals, and next week we will wrap up Unit 1 by learning how to divide fractions. Due to our fast-paced curriculum and having to teach 1.5 years of material in one year, I am not able to take academic class time in order train the students in how to access and use Microsoft One Note and their class notebook. Therefore, I am offering two after school sessions. The sessions will be from 3:00-3:45. Students only need to attend one of the two sessions. I will hold the sessions in the cafeteria, and students will need to be picked up at 3:45 on the gym side of the building.
The sessions will be offered on Wednesday, August 28th and Thursday, September 5th. A maximum of 50 students can attend each session. To choose a session, you will need to visit Sign Up A link can be found here under "Helpful Websites". Sessions will be filled on a first come first serve basis. If your child can't attend either session, please let me know so I can get the important information to them. The GCF/LCM quiz from last week will be passed back on Monday. We will spend time as a class going over the entire quiz and correcting missed problems. I will also discuss my expectations with students concerning the importance of always showing their work and thought process. Your child will have this quiz in the quiz section of their binder if you would like to go over it with your child.
Quiz grades will be posted to Infinite Campus for you to see. If you have not set an account up for your child, please click on the link under the helpful documents tab above. Grades will be updated as they are taken in class. This week we will finish up using GCF to rewrite a problem in the distributive property format. A short "Ticket out the Door" will be given at the end of class on Monday to check student understanding. This data will be used to drive instruction and pull students for Jag Academy remediation. We will then spend the remainder of the week adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals. Students will have notes and examples in their spiral notebooks. This week we are continuing to review GCF and LCM using the listing and ladder strategies. The first quiz is planned for Wednesday the 21st. Your child has notes and practice problems in their math spirals and binders to assist them with studying. Helpful math websites are also posted on this site. As for the study guide, your child should be working to complete all of Part B. Once complete, they should check their answers with the key posted here to Weebly. Wednesday's quiz will cover the concepts in Part B of the study guide.
Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20th at 6:00. Infinite Campus is now open for parents and grades are being entered. If you have not set up an I.C. account, please check out the Helpful Documents/Helpful Websites tab to set an account up today. Homework will be given this year 3-4 times a week. Students should be writing their assignments down in their agenda daily. Please check your child's agenda nightly so you are aware of work they should be completing. Homework is graded for completion and should contain the work to support the students' answers. Let me begin by saying that we have gotten off to a wonderful start in AC math this year, and a HUGE thanks to those of you who donated supplies. It is GREATLY appreciated!!! We are currently in unit 1 (Number Sense Fluency). In this unit we cover:
Students will be given their study guides for unit 1 on Wednesday. This is to be completed over the course of unit 1 (approx. 5-6 weeks). Students should begin working on them now and complete a few problems each night, as concepts are covered, so that it doesn’t become overwhelming. Study guides will always be assigned at the beginning of a unit and be due the day before the unit test. I don’t have an exact date for the unit 1 test at this time, but I will let you and the students know an exact date as the time draws closer. The study guide is also located under the study guide tab in case your child loses theirs and needs to print another one. I have also posted the answers to the study guide, so students may check their understanding while working and preparing for quizzes during the course of the unit. This will also allow students the opportunity to ask me questions along the way if needed. Since answers are posted, all work must be included. Homework is now being assigned, so check your child’s agenda nightly to help ensure that they are prepared for class the next day. Homework is worth five points and is graded for completion. Late homework is not accepted. On Monday and Tuesday of this week, students will take the first round of the math MAPS assessment. This is a test taken three times during the year to measure growth over the course of the school year. Students do not need to do anything special at home to prepare. We will then spend the remainder of the week learning to identify GCF and LCM using the listing and ladder strategies. Notes for these topics can be found in the students' math spirals. I will post updates here on a regular basis, so be sure to check weekly to stay current on what is going on in AC math. We also have a team weebly site that can be accessed for further information. I know this is a lot of information at once, so if you have questions please don't hesitate to email or send me a message through the Remind app. Thanks for a great start! Don't forget open house is on August 21st from 6:00-7:30. This week we are continuing our study of two-step and multi-step equations. Notes can be found in the students' spirals and on One Note. Students will be assessed over this material when taking the 2nd semester exams.
Exams will be given on May 23rd and 24th. Students will take 1st and 3rd period exams on the 23rd and 2nd and 4th period exams on the 24th. A majority of the exam will cover equations, but the remainder of the questions can come from any unit covered this year. Students will not be given a separate study guide. Students should use their old study guides and tests to prepare for the exam. These items should be located in their math binders. Old study guides and answer keys can also be found here on Weebly. |
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