This week students are converting fractions to decimals and learning to identify terminating and repeating decimals. We will also learn the algorithm for dividing fractions. After learning to divide fractions, we will wrap up and review and be ready to test over unit 1. I am thinking we will test over unit 1 next Tuesday, the 17th. This would make the unit 1 study guide due on Monday, the 16th. When turned in, the entire study guide should be complete along with the corresponding work. As of today, all portions of the study guide should be complete except sections D and E. If your child is behind on his or her study guide, please make sure they are catching up so it is complete by the 16th. Answers are posted, so please make sure your child has also checked their study guides prior to turning them in.
On test day, students will also have their first spiral notebook check. The rubric can be found on the inside pocket. Your child also has access to the spiral by logging into Office 365 and One Note. Use the notebook on One Note to ensure your child's spiral is complete before turning it in.
The unit 1 test will be on the 17th. It will cover all of unit 1.