the process of long division, especially when the divisor is also a decimal. This material will be seen again on future quizzes and tests. Below are two websites in addition to the online textbook that you
can use at home to help your children. These sites are also included under "helpful websites".
- This is a website that lets students practice their multiplication facts. It
will help them work on learning them as well as their speed. It allows
them to practice a mixture or focus on specific tables. - This website creates worksheets for a variety of skills. It creates worksheets
in a variety of formats and on many of them you can stipulate what you
want. It is fast and no two worksheets are the same. This means you can
create many forms of the same worksheet.
- This is a website that lets students practice their multiplication facts. It
2. Please remember to check your child’s agenda each night. Homework is now being given and several students have already received zeros or incompletes.
3. Also please make sure that your child is keeping up with their unit 1 study guide so that is does not become overwhelming for them. Part A should be complete by now and we will begin looking at Part B concepts later in the week. The students are currently completing a performance task where they are planning a fictitious trip to Six Flags over Texas based on their understanding of decimal concepts.
4. Infinite Campus is now OPEN !!!
Please set up an account and check out your child's grades (Instructions are under "helpful documents"). Infinite Campus is updated on a weekly basis. Current math grades will be entered by the end of the week.